Jekko perehdytysvideot

Jekko SPX328

01. Overview | SPX328

02. Start the crane | SPX328

03. Drive the crane | SPX328

04. Outriggers | SPX328

05. Hook mode | SPX328

06. Winch: single line | SPX328

07. Winch: four-line | SPX328

08. Charge the battery | SPX328

09. Charge settings | SPX328

10. Software update | SPX328

11. User page | SPX328

12. General settings | SPX328

13. Live feedback | SPX328

Jekko SPX532

00. Machine walk around | SPX532

01. How to start the machine | SPX532

02. How to drive the tracks | SPX532

03. How to use the power pack | SPX532

04. How to stabilize the crane | SPX532

05. Outriggers page VS Machine stability page | SPX532

06. Outriggers working mode: Stabilize the crane manually | SPX532

07. Outriggers working mode: Stabilize the crane automatically | SPX532

08. Crane working mode:Hook configuration | SPX532

09. Crane working mode: Main boom with winch configuration (1 line) | SPX532

10. Crane working mode: Main boom with winch configuration (4 lines) | SPX532

11. Crane working mode: Uninstall the winch configuration | SPX532

12. Crane working mode: Speed reduction | SPX532

13. Crane working mode: Power mode selector | SPX532

14. Crane working mode: JP (Jekko Power) | SPX532

15. Crane working mode: Working lights | SPX532

16. Pick&Carry working mode | SPX532

17.1 JIB1000.2H1MX Installing the hydraulic jib | SPX532

17.2 JIB1000.2H1MX Installing the hydraulic jib from TK1000 | SPX532

17.3 JIB1000.2H1MX Rest position of the jib on TK1000 | SPX532

18. JIB1000.2H1MX Hook configuration | SPX532

19. JIB1000.2H1MX Winch configuration | SPX532

20. JIB1000.2H1MX Uninstalling the winch | SPX532

21. JIB1000.2H1MX Manual extension | SPX532

22. JIB1000.2H1MX Working lights with jib installed | SPX532

23. JIB1000.2H1MX Jib parked under the main boom | SPX532

24. JIB1000 2H1MX Uninstall the hydraulic jib | SPX532

25. JIB1000.2H1MX How to lift outriggers with jib installed | SPX532

26. Pick&Carry | SPX532

27. JIB1200GX Installation of the runner jib | SPX532

28. JIB1200GX Uninstallation of the runner jib | SPX532

Jekko SPX650

01. Walkaround | SPX650

02. Starting the machine | SPX650

03. Working configurations & LMI | SPX650

04. Driving the machine | SPX650

05.1 Outriggers | SPX650

05.2 Stabilising the machine | SPX650

05.3 Self-leveling | SPX650

05.4 Load chart J7 | SPX650

06.1 Main boom – Hook mode | SPX650

06.2 Main boom – Winch mode (single line) | SPX650

06.3 Main boom – Winch mode (six rope lines) | SPX650

06.4 Main boom – Pulley head rest position | SPX650

07.1 JIB1200.3HL – Installing the Jib | SPX650

07.2 JIB1200.3HL – Hook Mode | SPX650

07.3 JIB1200.3HL – Winch mode (single line) | SPX650

07.4 JIB1200.3HL – Winch mode (six rope lines) | SPX650

07.5 JIB1200.3HL – Driving with the jib installed | SPX650

07.6 JIB1200.3HL – Jib sensors and working lights | SPX650

07.7 JIB1200.3HL – Uninstalling the hydraulic jib | SPX650

08. JIB2000GX – Installation and usage | SPX650

09. Pick & Carry | SPX650

10. Power mode selector | SPX650

11. Remote control pages | SPX650

12. Changing remote control battery | SPX650

13. CanView4 pages | SPX650

14. JLC – Jekko Lowering Control | SPX650

15. JP – Jekko Power | SPX650

16. System devices | SPX650

17. LMI Bypass | SPX650

18. Password Bypass | SPX650

Jekko SPX1280

01. Overview | SPX1280

02. LMI Remote | SPX1280

03.1 Starting the machine | SPX1280

03.2 Drive the crane | SPX1280

03.3 Stabilise | SPX1280

04.1 Single-line Configuration | SPX1280

04.2 Six-line Configuration | SPX1280

05.1 How to install the Jib | SPX1280

05.2 Jib with Hook Configuration | SPX1280

05.3 Jib with Single-line Configuration | SPX1280

05.4 How to uninstall the Jib | SPX1280

06. Pick & Carry | SPX1280

07. Counterweight | SPX1280

08. JP & JLC | SPX1280

09. Load Limiter | SPX1280

10. Powerpack | SPX1280

11. Canview 4 | SPX1280

12. System Devices | SPX1280

13. Emergency Start | SPX1280

14.1 Software Bypass | SPX1280

14.2 LMI Bypass | SPX1280

14.3 Crane Bypass | SPX1280

14.4 Stabilisers Bypass | SPX1280

14.5 Tracks Extension Bypass | SPX1280

14.6 Tracks Movement Bypass | SPX1280

14.7 Valves Default Position | SPX1280

Jekko JF235

01. Overview | JF235

02. Start the crane | JF235

03. Drive the crane | JF235

04. Stabilize the crane | JF235

05. Operate the crane | JF235

06. Main boom: hook mode | JF235

07. Main boom: single-line | JF235

08. Main boom: double-line | JF235

09. Jib: hook mode | JF235

10. Jib: winch mode | JF235

11. Remove the jib | JF235

12. Searcher hook | JF235

13. Electric mode | JF235

14. Remote battery | JF235

15. Display settings | JF235

Jekko JF545

01. Overview | JF545

02. Starting the Machine | JF545

03. Turn on the Remote Control | JF545

04.1 Driving the Machine | JF545

04.2 Stabilising the Machine | JF545

04.3 Open the Crane | JF545

04.4 Crane Actions | JF545

05.1 Main Boom – Hook Mode | JF545

05.2 Main Boom – Single Line | JF545

05.3 Main Boom – Double Line | JF545

05.4 Main Boom – Three-rope lines | JF545

05.5 Main Boom – Mechanical Extension | JF545

06.1 Installing the Jib | JF545

06.2 Jib – Hook Configuration | JF545

06.3 Jib – Single Line | JF545

06.4 Jib – Mechanical Extension | JF545

06.5 Uninstall the Jib | JF545

07. Counterweight | JF545

08. Elevating Working Platform | JF545

09. Power-pack | JF545

10. Remote Control Pages | JF545

11. Remote Control Battery | JF545

12. CLS Display | JF545

13. System Devices | JF545

14. Emergency Bypass | JF545

15. Emergency Ignition | JF545

Jekko MPK06

01. Walk around | MPK06

02. How to start the machine | MPK06

03. How to use the crane | MPK06

04. How does LMI system work | MPK06

05. Emergency stop | MPK06

06. Status signalling and control instruments | MPK06

07. How to drive from the tiller | MPK06

08. How to drive from the joystick | MPK06

09. How to use the outriggers | MPK06

10. How to install the hook | MPK06

11. How to install/uninstall the manipulator from the ground | MPK06

12. How to install/uninstall the manipulator with a crane | MPK06

13. Manipulator positioning | MPK06

14. How to use the manipulator | MPK06

15. Crane speed setting | MPK06

16. Battery charging and checks | MPK06

17. Anchor and lifting points | MPK06

18. What’s under the coverage | MPK06

19. Where are the sensors | MPK06

20. Troubleshooting and alarm list | MPK06

21. How to bypass the wheel brake | MPK06

22. How to bypass the actuators | MPK06

23. Maintenance operations | MPK06

24. Mechanical jib | MPK06

Jekko MPK50

01. System devices | MPK50

02. How to start the machine | MPK50

03. Driving functions | MPK50

04. Driving speed | MPK50

05. Manual brakes | MPK50

06. Emergency brake | MPK50

07. LMI Configuration | MPK50

08. CLS working page info | MPK50

09. Hook mode | MPK50

10. Change boom head inclination | MPK50

11. Winch configuration | MPK50

12. Crane functions | MPK50

13. Winch configuration: 4 rope lines installation | MPK50

14. Stabilizing bar | MPK50

15. Minimum radius limitation | MPK50

16. Winch limitation -7° head angle | MPK50

17. Main boom maximum angle limitation | MPK50

18. JIB1800 | MPK50

19. How to lift the MPK50 | MPK50

20. How to recharge the batteries | MPK50

21. Working lights | MPK50

22. CLS display pages | MPK50

23. CLS bypass page LV1 | MPK50

24. CLS service pages LV2 | MPK50

25. Remote control display | MPK50