We are Simeri: Carmen


Through the We are Simeri- blog series you get to dive deeper into the Simeri crew and their life. Over the years, Simeri has grown from a one-man business to an organization with over 70 employees around Finland and Estonia. Our smiling faces can be found online, but who actually are we? Last week you got to know Elli and today you can read more about Carmen. Come and get to know our dreams and hidden talents!

Carmen: Inspections/Servicing

Carmen is from New Jersey, USA, but has lived in Finland full time for 10 years now. “I must have taken a wrong turn and ended up here”, Carmen laughs. He has worked at Simeri for 15 years! He began working at Simeri before he even moved to Finland full time, and only spent parts of the year on this side of the globe. Carmen usually goes home at least 1 or 2 times a year to New Jersey, but due to the coronavirus he hasn’t been able to go home for a while. In his spare time Carmen would like to go surfing, but it is too cold for that at the moment. His favourite thing about Finland is its beautiful nature and he spends a lot of time outdoors on daily walks with his dog Lilly.

What is your favourite thing about Simeri?
Every job is different. The guys are also cool to work with!

Tell us something most people don’t know about you:
I went to university and I play baseball.

If you could travel anywhere in the world right now where would it be?
To New Jersey to see my Family and go surfing.

Tell us one dream of yours you want to achieve at some point in your life:
I want to move to Hawaii.

What tool do you use the most in your daily routine at work?
My head

If you were not an inspector what would you do for a living?
I would be a carpenter.

What is your current favourite food?
Philly Cheese Steak.

Now you know more about Carmen. Stay tuned as new blogs for this series comes out every week!