We are Simeri: Elli


Through the We are Simeri- blog series you get to dive deeper into the Simeri crew and their life. Over the years, Simeri has grown from a one-man business to an organization with over 70 employees around Finland and Estonia. Our smiling faces can be found online, but who actually are we? Last week you got to know Timo and today you can read more about Elli. Come and get to know our dreams and hidden talents!

Elli: Marketing Assistant

Elli started her job in October 2020 as the newest addition to the Simeri crew. The young woman graduated from university in Scotland in the Summer and moved back to Finland due to the effects of Covid-19. After 10 years of living abroad, the decision to move home came naturally. Being closer to family and the beautiful nature had been in Elli’s mind for a while already. Finding a job in her own field made the decision to move to Espoo easy. “In this world state, finding a job felt impossible. I’m grateful that Simeri gave me the opportunity to show them what I can do”, Elli comments. “I enjoy my job very much! Every day is different and there is never a boring moment”, she continues.

What is your favourite thing about Simeri?
The other employees. Since my first day, I felt at home and everyone is super nice!

Tell us something most people don’t know about you:
I played the clarinet when I was younger. Music is still very close to my heart, but the instrument has taken a backseat.

If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
If there was no coronavirus, I would go to the Arab Emirates to see my best friend and enjoy the sunshine.

What is your most important tool at work?
I would say my phone. I take a crazy number of photos for marketing purposes and I often update Simeri’s social media platforms on my phone. I also write down ideas I come up with in the middle of the night so I remember them in the morning.

Tell us a dream of yours you want to achieve:
I want to travel the world as much as possible! For example, I would love to spend more time in East-Asia and learn about the cultures in the area.

If you were not a Marketing Assistant, what would you do for a living?
I’d probably be a sociologist. I studied sociology intensively in high school and I find it very interesting! It’s a good thing the same research can also be used for marketing purposes in many ways.

What is your current favourite food?
On cold Winter days I love a good blended vegetable soup. It’s so easy to make and super delicious. Here’s a tip: Add some ginger and coconut cream and thank me later!

Have you developed any new skills or hobbies since the coronavirus?
I bought myself a ukulele and have been playing it for a few months now. It has become my favourite way to spend my spare-time.

Now you know more about Elli. Stay tuned as new blogs for this series comes out every week!

Contact Elli